Saturday, April 16, 2011

SQLSaturday #77 Pensacola, sp_WhoIsActive & EFM

2 sessions have been selected for SQLSaturday #77 in Pensacola, FLExecution Plan Basics and Transition From DBA to BI Architect. I really do not believe Karla has a real job because of everything she has been doing in the SQL Community, just kidding Karla.

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The first session goes through some history of query tuning tools from Microsoft and then into a No Fluff, Just Stuff (I am boring this expression from Patrick LeBlanc’s SQL Lunch) examples in SSMS. I am really liking this session, and hope to expand for intermediate level. Need to get a SQLSaturday to accept the next session somewhere.

The second session will be the third time I have talked on a transition at my current employer over the last year. From Database Normalization to Dimensional Modeling has been enlightening. I use the Kimball books as references and some query tuning experience that has helped me gain respect from others in the BI department.

Adam Machanic has been doing a series on his ever expanding and brilliant monitoring stored procedure SP_WhoIsActive.  Part 15 of 30 helps explain CXPACKETS which is a mysterious wait that has taken me a year or 2 to full understand. Every time I read a post about CXPACKETS I learn a little more.


In between SQLRally and SQLSaturday, I am taking a mentoring class for EFM (Education for Ministry) in Robert, LA at the Solomon Center. EFM is a 4 year course of learning about the Old Testament, New Testament, Church History and Theologians in the Anglican (Episcopal) Church. I hope to be an assistant then mentor in EFM in the near future. I completed the course from 2003 – 2007.

Welcome To The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

There is nothing better than working on the Spirit and Mind from the Bible. Yes, even better than SQL Server and work.

God Bless